Cyber Security Training Program

Robust Malware Prevention Protects Your Business & Teams

Tight malware security and team awareness are critical in preventing costly data breaches.


What Is Malware?

Short for Malicious Software, Malware is an umbrella term encompassing a range of "diseases" that can infect your tech. Their main goal is to damage, disable or exploit your IT systems, steal your business' sensitive data to use against you or sell to someone else, or worse. Failing to protect your company from malware attacks not only leads to damaging losses of data and systems, but issues with regulatory non-compliance, ruined business reputations, loss of customer trust, and so on.

Clearly, malware infections are a big deal.

CyberSafe International's module on Malware Prevention Training is designed to help your team identify malware attacks and implement best practices in preventing and mitigating the risks.

Malware Prevention

Keep Your Business IT Systems Safe From Infection

Malicious programs are prolific, ever-evolving, and incredibly dangerous. At times, even antivirus software will struggle to rid infected computers of malware. Malware activities can take place in a number of forms as well, from malicious websites phishing for sensitive information to malicious attachments delivered by seemingly harmless emails. So, it's tough, tricky, and deadly - a perfect tool for threat actors to take down computer systems and profit from your business' data. The best way to protect yourself against this is to give your team the skills to be your first line of defence.

Knowing Its Forms

The first step is always knowing your enemy. Different types of malicious software require different approaches and protective measures because they will break through your defenses in different ways. For example, ransomware is a type of malware infection that restricts users from systems or data until a ransom is paid. This is quite different to something like a Trojan Horse which, like the Greek tale, tricks users into installing other malicious programs.

Our module on malware security looks at common types of malware, and how they are delivered - from malicious ads to compromised websites - so your team can be on the lookout for these threat actors.

Preparing For New Strains

Much like diseases, malware infections can have evolved strains - known as polymorphic malware. This is malicious software that can constantly change elements of itself to avoid detection, leaving you open to security vulnerabilities that even antivirus software can't tackle. Many of the common types of malicious programs like bots, trojans, and more can be polymorphic.

We'll take your team through how to identify this advanced form of malware's changeable characteristics, understand the threat posed by these strains, and implement best practices specifically around these complex malicious activities.

Preventing The Infection

Once you know what you're dealing with, you can put in place a plan for prevention. The final step is understanding how malware attacks unfold, what it looks like when malicious code mixes with legitimate software, and how an under-threat operating system behaves so you can pinpoint all the security vulnerabilities that need to be patched up to prevent malware infections.

We'll give your team the tools to create layered security throughout your systems for robust protection, and show them all the ways they can implement best practices online to avoid falling for social engineering attacks.

Find the perfect plan. Secure your business.

Get your team ready for evolving cyber threats with fast, effective, scalable security training.

Why CyberSafe International?

With years of experience in the Australian cyber security landscape, we've been helping businesses tackle malicious activities and threat actors for a long time. We've taken that expertise and applied it to our module on malware training for employees, as well as the rest of our comprehensive 10-module cyber security training program. With CyberSafe International, you're getting:

  • Confidence in a program informed by the Australian Government's Essential Eight
  • Advice on best practices and regulatory compliance
  • A CPD-accredited program, for total peace of mind
  • Bite-sized lessons that pack a punch in 5 minutes or less
  • Tried-and-tested malware cyber security strategies
  • Practical examples for implementation in your organisation

And so much more. From just USD$2 per employee, you'll get an all-access pass to our module on Malware Prevention and the rest of the full Cyber Security Training Program.

malware security Cybersafe International

Frequently Asked Questions

Malicious software comes in many forms. Some of the most common types of malware attacks are:

  • Adware - where malicious ads, usually alongside spyware, collect user data to sell to third parties and advertisers.
  • Trojan horse - when seemingly legitimate software tricks users into installing other forms of malicious code or malicious software.
  • Viruses - the oldest form of malware, this infects computer systems, running when other programs activate and multiplying throughout your operating system.
  • Spyware - this tracks user behaviour and even keystrokes to capture sensitive data.
  • Ransomware - ransomware attacks encrypt your own data to hold for ransom against you. Until the price is paid, you won't be able to access your own systems.

There is also a lot more to malware - often in almost undetectable forms such as fileless malware, or in ever-changing forms like polymorphic malware. These unique and complex variants are based on common types, but are harder to deal with, prevent or remove.

Malicious code can be delivered in a number of ways. Some of the most common include:

  • Malicious websites or compromised websites
  • Phishing emails, with malicious email attachments
  • Malicious ads with spyware
  • Malicious software installed on devices
  • Other infected computers or mobile devices

The ease with which malware can reach your systems means you need to look at layered security, along with teaching cyber security awareness and best practices to your team, in order to prevent unauthorised access to your sensitive data.

There are two main parts to prevention - physical security controls and user behaviour. Companies need to implement a framework around their cyber security practices that informs employees on what security controls to use with various platforms. This could be anything from designing strong passwords to backing up files and installing antivirus software. They also need to invest in teams' security awareness so employees can recognise signs of malware and learn to avoid certain things like malicious attachments.

Malware is complex and threat actors are very clever. A malware infection could be inevitable, but for the prepared and aware, it could be easier to manage. If your business is ready for cyber threats, with files backed up, layered security, strong antivirus software, etc, you could run clean-up programs, delete infected files, isolate infected computers, and more to remove malware. However, this does require a level of malware training for employees so they can act quickly and prevent the infection from spreading.