90% of cyber incidents are
caused by human error.

Train your staff. Protect your business.

Cyber Safe is your cost-effective, rewards-based, easy-to-use eLearning platform that educates your team on how to avoid a cyber-attack and what to do in the event of a cyber-attack.

What your
12 month


Interactive and engaging

Interactive and engaging

Time-based tests after every topic to measure understanding and keep your team engaged


Virtual, bite-sized learning that your team can complete when convenient for them.


10 modules, 3 in-depth topics per module


Reward and recognition badges and certificates based on learning to motivate your team and track progress


Get certified and demonstrate your commitment to cyber security with Certified CyberSafe


Manager analytics platform includes employee performance to track progress and identify skills gaps.


CPD accredited, so you know it meets industry standards and provides value to your organisation


Created by experts in cybersecurity and online learning
Free Trial
Tier 1

Free Trial

Give yourself and 1 other employee access to the program for 30 days!


Subscribe Now
Small Business
Tier 2:

Small Business

For a small business of 1-10 team members.

From USD$49.90
per person

USD$499.00 per year
Medium Business
Tier 3:

Medium Business

For a medium business with 11-100 team members.

From USD$7.49
per person

USD$749.00 per year
Large Business
Tier 4:

Large business

For a large business of 101-500 team members.

From USD$2.00
per person

USD$999.00 per year
Free Trial
Tier 5:


Need a solution for more than 500 team members?

Get A Bespoke Quote

Add ICT Usage & Compliance Policies with your eTraining

Get your ICT Usage & Compliance Policies bundled with your training subscription for a discounted one time price of USD$1,200.00

Our Partners

Find the perfect plan. Secure your business.

Get your team ready for evolving cyber threats with fast, effective, scalable security training.


Can't find what you are looking for?
Contact support.

Your subscription begins as soon as the subscription is paid.

All subscriptions are paid upfront.

Not at all – the cyber security training modules and topics can be completed in any order and revisited at any time during the subscription period if your team needs a refresher.

Two managers can have access to the manager analytics platforms at one time, although if you need more just let us know - we're happy to help.

Don't worry if your team changes in size during the subscription period. As you are buying a batch of licenses there is usually room for movement, but if you find yourself growing significantly the platform allows you to swap programs by upgrading. Your subscription will be pro-rated based on the amount of time passed and you will only be charged for the larger subscription for the remaining time within the subscription period.